A wedding is a special occasion for any bride-to-be. She leaves no stone unturned to put together a perfect wedding. One of the most crucial parts of the entire prep journey is finding the best bridal outfit. It’s a battle on its own to find the one. Most brides-to-be end up compromising on a thing or two either due to time constraints or exceeding budget limits.
Silk and Sparkle has been a saviour for many brides and kept them from turning into bridezillas. Custom-designed outfits should be a priority on every bride-to-be’s list. The chances of walking into a store and finding your dream wedding dress ready-made are close to nill. In case you find one that meets your expectations to some extent and you believe alteration will do the remaining job, is a big no-no from our side.
So what’s the solution? A tailor-made, bespoke wedding lehenga is what you should go for. Here are seven reasons why:
- Flattering Fit: The fit of a custom-made outfit is unmatched. Every cut, every inch is tailor-done as per your body type because come on, one size-doesn’t-fit-all. Accentuate the parts that are flattering and cover the ones that you don’t want to draw much attention to.
- Finest fabric and colour of your choice: It’s the biggest hassle to find your perfect pink or red when you go for ready-made outfits. You have complete liberty to choose the shade of colour, the kind of work and the fabric too. Professionals at Silk and Sparkle will help you keep your wedding dress as heavy or as light as you want.
- Ace the game of quality: Since it’s tailor-made, the quality of everything that goes into making your dream outfit is entirely in your hands. You can make your outfits durable and all-weather. Designers will take care of the technicalities.
- Value for each penny sent: When it comes to value for money. Bespoke bridal outfits win on every ground. You get an uncompromised outfit that’s designed to your requirements and demands.
- Pick the trends you like, skip the ones you don’t: Every year, new trends hit the market. Everything that’s in vogue doesn’t need to be in sync with your taste. Sometimes you want a mix of a couple of trends with a few traditional ones – you get to do/create/wear what you like on your big day.
- Save time and energy: Guess the amount of time and energy you can save by just visiting one store and getting your dream outfit ready in not more than a few visits. Gone are the days and store hopping was a thrill. You can rather invest the time and hassle saved in other wedding preps.
- One of a kind: More than anything, the biggest selling point for us is the one-off outfit that nobody has but only me. You’ll not just wear a bespoke designer outfit at your wedding but exclusivity too.
Isn’t it cool? Get your one of a kind wedding outfit with a flattering design and fit design by the best designer store in Sydney, Silk and Sparkle. Check out our Instagram to have a look at our work.
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