When someone talks about wedding fashion our imagination starts flowing through the lanes of lehengas, wedding gowns, sarees and other bridal stuff instantly. Well, that ain’t your fault, this fashion bias is natural to us humans. But why aren’t grooms given their fair share. Gone are the days when men had limited options when it would come to fashions and outfits. Celebs such as Ranveer singh, Karan Johar have broken all the fashion stereotypes and experimentation has become new jam of Bollywood Biggies.
Today we are gonna talk about men’s wedding fashion when it comes to Indian and sub continental weddings. The blend of traditional and contemporary sense has helped men’s wedding fashion evolve in leaps and bounds. Here are few #OutfitInspirations for not only grooms-to-be but also groomsmen-to-be.
- Sherwani has always been and will always be the first choice of any groom for a wedding and why not, it outlines a regal look for your big day.
- Sherwani or shervani comes in variety of prints, patterns and works – Intricately embroidered, floral prints, Zari work and also with sequins, pearls and expensive hand work.
- Achkan
- If Shervani is too loud and over the top for you then achkan makes a perfect outfit for your wedding or reception. Most grooms these days are opting achkans for their sangeet ceremony or reception. The difference between achkan and shervani is in the length and a little in the stitch, that’s it. You may also go for a hybrid of both. Silk and sparkle gives a bespoke service to meet all your fashion needs and you can get your wedding outfit customized as per your liking. It’s quite popular amongst groomsmen for their friends or brother’s wedding.
- Anarkali
- Anarkali has made a rock solid space for itself in the contemporary fashion scenario. This traditional outfit from Mughal era has made a royal entry in the wedding fashion not only for women but also men now. Ranveer Singh sported Anarkali for his mehendi function and paired it up with a jacket and also at his reception with a long calf length embellished jacket for more regal look. From basic to high end embellished anarkalis you’ll have wide range to choose from for all your functions be it wedding, mehendi or a sangeet ceremony.
- Kurta pyjama will never go out of style as far as Indian fashion is concerned. Kurtas are a first choice for any traditional occasion or gathering you may pair it up with a Nehru jacket or an embellished achkan jacket to give it more high end appeal. From simple cotton kurtas to silk ones, from basic to the ones with hand work – kurta pyjamas come in varied options and at Silk and Sparkle you’ll find all these options at one place.
- Various pants styles and Jacket
- Traditional jackets with minimal work to high end embellished embroidery have become new favourite amongst men when it comes to wedding fashion. Dhoti pants to cigarette pants and jodhpuri pants they can be paired with any style of pants coming from traditional or contemporary family of style.
Have you made up your mind now, what’s gonna be your outfit for your big day? If not, not a problem. Visit us at our store on Pennant Hills Road, Thornliegh, New South Wales and we’ll help you put together your entire wedding wardrobe.
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